Save the Universe in Your Spare Time, From the Comfort of Your Writing Desk
Story may not be the only way to deal with the ultimate demise of everything, but it’s one of the best. We can’t stop time, but, with story

Like Content Creators to the Flame
There are countless entrepreneurs and executives who pursue content businesses and are confronted with a tremendous noise-to-signal ratio th

American Tantalus: The Lure of Three-Act Structure
If stories, broadly speaking, address the whole of the universe, then three-act story (the most common structure in Western films) tussles w

Achieving The American Reality
The American Dream, as it has been roughly understood and loosely interpreted over the last 200 years is running out of gas.

Innovator's Dilemma
Organizations are human endeavors, and therefore often defy cold logic. So, as a manager and a leader your first opportunity to differentiat

Dare To Know!
The battle cry of enlightenment thinkers was "sapere aude.” Dead language, Latin, to be sure, but gives sheen to a simple and important

Keep It Simple, Smartypants
To state something succinctly is to understand the issue, concept or enterprise as an emergent whole. The considered layers, and refined det

Not With A Bang But An iPhone
Technology will not become our master through some evil design, but through the same push pull of environmental advantage.